Month: February 2025

Improving Propeller Efficiency with Software

Pipistrel, a Slovenian company, now a subsidiary of Textron, has invented an algorithm to get the most out of propellers of electric flying vehicles. As the patent states, “The algorithm incorporates information such as the propeller diameter (D), the maximum power, torque, and RPM of the propeller. Thrust, power and torque are used as functions […]

Morphing Wheels and Slithering Robots

University of Colorado’s Adaptive Robotics Lab has filed for an interesting structure based on tensegrity. The geometry of the structure can be changed, allowing it to be used for driving or for swimming robots. As a wheel, the structure can be completely two-dimensional, or spherical. For swimming applications, the structure can be manipulated to allow […]

L3Harris Workhorse, the FVR Quad, has Yaw Authority

The FVR platform is certainly an impressive accomplishment. According to its maker, “The FVR is designed for long endurance, 12 to 18 hours, with an 8 to 22 pound payload capacity.”( According to the patent, large quad platforms are great at their VTOL thing, but have little yaw authority. To make a quad more agile, […]